Tips for Navigating the child and Youth Mental Health System in Ontario:

In Ontario, our mental health system is complex and difficult to navigate. Many people have different experiences while trying to get the help their child needs. In this post I am going to offer some tips and resources for trying to access community or private mental health services. This information is based on my experience […]
What Type of Therapy is Best for Me?

Once people make the decision to enter therapy, they can begin to feel overwhelmed at the number of different types of therapies that are out there. If you pull up a therapist or agency information page you may see different types of therapy listed: CBT, DBT, EMDR, IFS, ACT, etc. You may also hear a […]
What to Do When Your Child Refuses Therapy?

Many parents have come across the issue where they feel like their child could benefit from therapy, but their child refuses to go. In Ontario, if a child appears to have the capacity to consent to treatment (there is not specific age for this – at least coming from a social work perspective), then they […]
The Importance of Play

Why is play such an important part of a child’s life? During the first few years of a child’s life, their brain is growing and changing at a rapid rate. When children are raised in overly stressful environments their brains and bodies go into constant fight/flight/freeze mode. When this occurs, other emotions like imagination, curiosity, […]
Supporting a Teen Dealing with Depression

It’s incredibly difficult to see someone you love struggle with depression, especially your child. Teens having to cope with depression has been on the rise and it’s hard to know how to support them. Many parents find themselves stuck between not wanting to push their child to much (to potentially cause more harm), but also […]