
Hamilton, ON


By Appointment Only


What Are the Stages of Change, and What Do They Mean for Therapy?

The Stages of Change is a psychological model developed by James Prochaska and Carlo Di Clemente in the 1970s. Widely used in therapy, this model helps identify where individuals are in the process of changing their behavior. By understanding these stages, therapists can tailor interventions to meet the unique needs of their clients. The six […]

Coping with Generational Differences while Parenting

As the new year rolls into 2025, we also welcome the start of a new generation: Generation Beta. This milestone has me reflecting on how having children challenges our world assumptions depending on how we grew up. Generational differences can sometimes cause conflicts within families. For instance, individuals born in generations where children were expected […]


What is Burnout? A topic that has been coming up more and more in my practice is people suffering from varying degrees of burnout. Burnout is defined as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress (CAMH, 2023). The feeling of burnout can have a big impact in people’s […]

Supporting a Youth Struggling with Suicidal Ideation

Seated teenaged-girl with head on knees and holding her ankles.

One of many parents’ worst fears is learning that their child is struggling and no longer feels like they can keep going.  Whether your child tells you directly that they have thoughts of suicide, or you find out in another way, it is heartbreaking and instantly makes us panic.  I want to focus this blog […]

What are Values and Why Do They Matter in the Treatment of Mental Health?

Let’s start with the first question related to what are values? When I am doing therapy with someone, I define values as those things that are important to us that we cannot necessarily buy. This could include the way we treat others, and the way we expect others to treat us. Some examples could be […]

Supporting a Child with ADHD

Small child in orange shirt playing with blocks

Many parents struggle when supporting a child or youth who has been diagnosed with ADHD. This specific topic is special to my heart due to being diagnosed with ADHD at age 9. I was blessed to have appropriate support and accommodations put in place to help me feel successful. I wanted to spend some time […]

Tips for Coping With Anxiety

Girl seated on chair holding knees with hand on head.

Anxiety is a universal emotion that is common in many different types of species. For humans, we have a part of our brain that is designed to protect us from life-threatening situations and this part usually responds by putting us into the fight, flight, or freeze mode. As our world has evolved, humans have been […]

Tips for Navigating the child and Youth Mental Health System in Ontario:

Illustration of person with magnifying glass and question balloons

In Ontario, our mental health system is complex and difficult to navigate. Many people have different experiences while trying to get the help their child needs. In this post I am going to offer some tips and resources for trying to access community or private mental health services. This information is based on my experience […]

What Type of Therapy is Best for Me?

Illustration of two seated women with confused circles above their heads at therapy

Once people make the decision to enter therapy, they can begin to feel overwhelmed at the number of different types of therapies that are out there. If you pull up a therapist or agency information page you may see different types of therapy listed: CBT, DBT, EMDR, IFS, ACT, etc. You may also hear a […]

What to Do When Your Child Refuses Therapy?

Black child with both hands showing thumbs down.

Many parents have come across the issue where they feel like their child could benefit from therapy, but their child refuses to go. In Ontario, if a child appears to have the capacity to consent to treatment (there is not specific age for this – at least coming from a social work perspective), then they […]