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What Are the Stages of Change, and What Do They Mean for Therapy?
The Stages of Change is a psychological model developed by James Prochaska and Carlo Di Clemente in the 1970s. Widely

Coping with Generational Differences while Parenting
As the new year rolls into 2025, we also welcome the start of a new generation: Generation Beta. This milestone

Supporting a Youth Struggling with Suicidal Ideation
One of many parents’ worst fears is learning that their child is struggling and no longer feels like they can

What are Values and Why Do They Matter in the Treatment of Mental Health?
Let’s start with the first question related to what are values? When I am doing therapy with someone, I define

Supporting a Child with ADHD
Many parents struggle when supporting a child or youth who has been diagnosed with ADHD. This specific topic is special

Tips for Coping With Anxiety
Anxiety is a universal emotion that is common in many different types of species. For humans, we have a part

Tips for Navigating the child and Youth Mental Health System in Ontario:
In Ontario, our mental health system is complex and difficult to navigate. Many people have different experiences while trying to

What Type of Therapy is Best for Me?
Once people make the decision to enter therapy, they can begin to feel overwhelmed at the number of different types

What to Do When Your Child Refuses Therapy?
Many parents have come across the issue where they feel like their child could benefit from therapy, but their child

The Importance of Play
Why is play such an important part of a child’s life? During the first few years of a child’s life,

Supporting a Teen Dealing with Depression
It’s incredibly difficult to see someone you love struggle with depression, especially your child. Teens having to cope with depression

Coping Through the Holidays
For many people the holidays are a joyous and celebratory time, but for others it can be filled with many

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence
For many years, we have lived in a culture where intellect is highly valued. The type of intellect valued the

Practicing Gratitude
How does thinking about things we are grateful for impact our mental health? Most of us have heard about gratitude

The Hidden Emotion of Grief with your Child’s Mental Health
Nowadays, many parents are having to support children and youth who are impacted by mental health. Seeing our loved ones

Understanding the Nervous System
The nervous system helps all parts of the body communicate with one another and is made up of the brain

Effects of Shame Parenting
Most of us can hear an inner voice saying negative things to us. Some things it may say are “you

What is rumination?
And How Do I Cope With It? Everyone has times in their lives when they overthink certain situations. Trying to

Back to the Basics
There are many times throughout people’s lives where they reach a point where everything seems out of control and overwhelming.

5 Ways to Validate Your Child:
First, I want to start by addressing the common question of why validate? There is controversy related to validation. Often

Finding the Right Therapist
You’ve made the decision to start therapy. It’s a huge step forward in trying to make changes for your life.

Behaviour Burst
It gets better before it gets worse. One of the greatest challenges as a parent is staying consistent with consequences.